Inspiration for everyday life

Our collection with Alicia Leyffer

Welcome to this special page! Here you'll find a collection created in close collaboration with Alicia Leyffer . Alicia has studied Montessori pedagogy intensively and deepened her knowledge through continuing education and personal experience. On her Instagram channel @alicialeyffer , she inspires many people every day to integrate the Montessori approach into everyday family life with practical tips and creative ideas.

In our collaboration, we pursued a shared vision: to create products that support children in their independence, curiosity, and development – ​​while also providing parents with practical tools to implement the Montessori philosophy at home. Alicia's deep understanding of the needs of children and families has played a key role in shaping this collection.

Discover our lovingly designed products, developed with heart and soul to provide children with a nurturing and mindful environment through play. We're excited to share this wonderful collaboration with you!

About me:

I'm Alicia, a 26-year-old mother of a wonderful little boy. We follow a mix of Montessori and Waldorf, and I take my Instagram community along with us.

My absolute passion is high-quality children's toys and their benefits. And that's exactly why you'll find me here – at Jolly Designs!

Why a Montessori collection?

My son was born a full three months early, making him extremely premature. From the very beginning, I asked myself how I could best enable my child's development. I had already been exploring the subject of Montessori long before my son was born, and the answer was easy to find.

Montessori education enables children to learn independently at their own pace and to use their hands effectively. The approach is strongly focused on independence, based on the motto "Help me do it myself." Although quiet books aren't Montessori materials, they are wonderfully suited to providing children with fine and gross motor skills. Colors, numbers, letters, and relationships can be learned playfully and experienced haptically. When my son was barely a year old, we discovered Jolly Designs, and they have remained indispensable to this day. I am proud and grateful to now launch my own Montessori-inspired line, "Montessori Child" and "Montessori Baby."